Nutrition Hub helps you achieve your health and diet goals. Get nutrition information, facts and resources to help you adopt a healthier diet.
Subsidised health screening for Singapore Citizens.
Find out more about pre-diabetes, diabetes and how you can prevent them by making some changes to your lifestyle.
Live happier and fuller lives with your loved ones by taking small steps towards healthier living! Together with our partners at M³ (MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA), we’re here to help kick-start and support your journey with healthier eating and mental well-being tips, health screening subsidies and free physical activity programmes.
Join or participate in our programmes to get healthier and feel great
Nutrition Hub helps you achieve your health and diet goals. Get nutrition information, facts and resources to help you adopt a healthier diet.
Subsidised health screening for Singapore Citizens.
Find out more about pre-diabetes, diabetes and how you can prevent them by making some changes to your lifestyle.
Live happier and fuller lives with your loved ones by taking small steps towards healthier living! Together with our partners at M³ (MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA), we’re here to help kick-start and support your journey with healthier eating and mental well-being tips, health screening subsidies and free physical activity programmes.
Come explore 3 easy-to-remember ways to manage diabetes and lead a fulfilling life.
Carbs are often seen as the dietary villains. But do they really deserve their bad rap?
Find out your recommended calories requirement for the day with the Calorie Calculator
When it comes to your child’s health, you can never be too careful. With the Children’s Health Services on HealthHub, you have a smarter and more convenient solution to store and access your child’s health records – allowing you to keep up with your little one’s growth anytime, anywhere.
When used inappropriately, it can result in serious infections, longer recovery time and loss of effectiveness for future treatments, due to bacteria becoming antibiotic-resistant. Always consult your doctor on the treatment you need.
There’s a lot about e-cigarettes that many of us are unaware of – what are they exactly, and are they safe? Read on to uncover truths and myths clouding it!
Learn the right way to keep your hands clean and prevent the spread of germs. Dispel the common misconceptions of hand hygiene and start practising proper hand washing today!
Physical activity is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Discover HPB's invigorating exercise programmes for all levels and unlock a more fulfilling life today!
Physical activity is important to health. Get started with HPB's physical activity programmes and get more from life today!
Wouldn’t it be great if healthy living were as easy and enjoyable as shopping? Now, that’s possible at Health Promoting Malls. Have fun with mall workouts, enjoy healthier meals, and learn how to stay smoke-free – all at your convenience!
Establishing convenient and conducive environments for workers to achieve healthier lifestyles.
With early and effective treatment, people living with HIV can lead lives no different from others. Get tested to know your HIV status.
Discover and make sense of what you’re feeling with our Emotions Explorer!
Being a better supporter starts with being a better listener. Learn how we can reach out with CARE to offer someone the support they need.
Live happier and fuller lives with your loved ones by taking small steps towards healthier living! Together with our partners at M³ (MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA), we’re here to help kick-start and support your journey with healthier eating and mental well-being tips, health screening subsidies and free physical activity programmes.
Find out more about pre-diabetes, diabetes and how you can prevent them by making some changes to your lifestyle.
Explore our suite of self-care tools and resources to help you better understand and manage your mental health.
National Steps Challenge™ rewards you for staying active. Start moving now and be rewarded daily!
Nutrition Hub helps you achieve your health and diet goals. Get nutrition information, facts and resources to help you adopt a healthier diet.
From pregnancy to raising a teenager, learn the ins and outs of raising a healthy child in this one-stop pregnancy and parenting platform for health information.
Ready to take the first step towards a healthier body and mind? Join Age Strong, a holistic digital health programme where anyone aged 50 and over can be empowered to kick-start a healthy lifestyle and build healthy habits.
A Pressure Injury resource for both patients and caregivers alike. Learn more about pressure injuries, prevention measures and how to better manage them.
Proactively take charge of your health with regular health screenings, recommended vaccinations and proper hygiene habits. Explore more health tips here.
Subsidised health screening for Singapore Citizens.
Most STIs can be treated or managed if discovered early.Go for a sexual health screening if you think you are at risk of STIs .
Protect yourself and your loved ones from vaccine-preventable diseases like influenza and pneumococcal disease. There is no reason why anyone should suffer from the serious complications vaccine-preventable diseases can cause. Your best defence against such diseases is getting vaccinated.
A resource guide for stroke survivors, their loved ones and caregivers. Find out how to spot the warning signs and symptoms of a stroke. Learn how you can support patients in seeking treatment and recovery from stroke.
Got a sweet tooth? Find out all about your everyday sugars and sweeteners.
Check out our tips on how you can live well together, and test your knowledge on healthy living. Whether it’s eating healthy, staying active, going for health screening, or caring for your mental well-being, it’s never too late to start your journey!
Youth Preventive Dental Service (YPDS) provides oral health screening for pre-schoolers at some childcare centres as part of the Preschool Oral Health Screening and Fluoride Therapy Programme. Parents may access Healthhub to obtain the 'Information Sheet for Parents', which contains screening outcomes and the recommended follow-up action.