By Associate Professor TAN Thiam Chye Head & Senior Consultant, Dr TAN Shu Qi Associate Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KK Women's and Children's Hospital

What's Happening to Your Baby?

aloe vera leaves

Your baby is now able to open the eyes to explore the environment in your womb. Averaging between 32 and 39cm in length, your baby might also have a distinct sleeping routine and be more active at certain times of the day. Unfortunately this might not synchronise with your own sleep routine, and you may be woken up by some ninja kicks in the ribs around midnight. This tells you that the nervous system is kicking into gear as your little one develops coordination.

What's Happening to You?

Your womb is now above your navel. Your growing stomach could turn your previously "innie" bellybutton to an "outie". This is very common and should revert to normal after birth. You could start thinking about your birth plan. Have you chosen a hospital or thought about what sort of pain relief you want? A good idea is to write down everything and discuss the details with your partner and doctor. Most employers appreciate maternity notice around weeks 25 to 26, so now might be a good time to speak to your boss and the HR department.

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