Try this low impact exercise in water
Exercise during pregnancy prepares your body physically to undergo vast adaptations during your childbearing period, from conception to postpartum. It also speeds up the restoration of your physical condition.
Aqua exercise is a low impact workout that helps to maintain flexibility, enhance stamina and strengthen muscles, joints and bones with minimal risk of injury.
Water exercise in pregnancy does not require the pregnant woman to know how to swim.
The buoyancy in water places less stress on joints and ligaments as compared to exercising on land. This will also reduce the risk of joint injury. Your weight is well supported in water and thus, there is less discomfort during the exercise.
In aqua exercise, there is also less muscle soreness after exercising when compared to exercising on land. Exercising in water is also a good way to train your balance as the abdominals and back muscles stabilise you while you are in the water.
The hydrostatic pressure of water also decreases edema or swelling of the legs. In addition, exercising in water against its natural resistance causes you to expand a great amount of energy.
The buoyancy in water provides relief from the extra weight that the pregnant woman is carrying. It will also reduce lower backache related to the pregnancy. The edema (swelling) of the legs will also be reduced.
Exercise in a warm pool will reduce muscle spasms. Aqua exercise expands a greater amount of energy, which is ideal for weight control.
It has been shown that exercise in water may increase the blood flow to the womb and thus, to the baby.
If you have an acute fear or phobia of water, vaginal infection or itchy skin conditions, aqua exercise is not suitable for you.
Do consult your doctor if this form of exercise is suitable for you.
Source: Dr TAN Thiam Chye, Dr TAN Kim Teng, Dr TAN Heng Hao, Dr TEE Chee Seng John, The New Art and Science of Pregnancy and Childbirth, World Scientific 2008.
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This article was last reviewed on 28 Jun 2021
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