As parents, it is important to be aware of your baby's physical growth and acquired skills, so that you can provide activities and a safe environment for your baby's brain development.
Growth and development within the first year of life is very rapid. Besides physical growth, your baby is learning all sorts of new skills during this stage. As parents, it is important that you are aware of these changes or acquired skills so that you can provide activities and a safe environment for your baby's brain development.
Knowing the stages of development of your baby will help you react and respond in the right way, so as to help hone your child's development and skills.
An environment that encourages your child to explore things around him is important in his physical development. Be sure to allow your baby plenty of space for rolling and, eventually, crawling. Babies love to look at moving objects and try to reach for them, so be sure to hang mobiles and streamers safely in their space. Also, provide rattles and small toys that are easy to reach for and pick up, as babies like to experiment with objects. Make it a habit to disinfect the toys your baby puts in his mouth on a daily basis.
It's crucial to develop your baby's senses like sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste as he learns to discover his surroundings. Encourage your child to make comparisons by feeling and looking at them.
Your Baby Needs Soft Skills Too
These developmental milestones are just a guide. Each baby is unique and his development may vary from others. So do not worry if your baby differs by a few months. What is important is that these milestones occur in a particular order. If you are concerned about the development of your child, talk about it with your child's doctor.
0 to 3 months |
4 to 6 months |
7 to 9 months |
10 to 12 months |
13 to 18 months |
17 to 24 months |
Growing Up Safe
Large muscles
During the first 6 months, your baby is developing his large muscles to raise his head, roll around, raise his arms and pull himself up, and even sit up without support. Encourage your baby to use and develop these large muscles by the following actions:
Small muscles
At around 6 months, your baby will start using his fingers more, learning to grasp objects handed to him. The developing muscles will also allow him to touch the fingers of one hand with the other, transfer toys from one hand to the other. His vision will soon be comparable to an adult's. Playtime should incorporate these actions when possible to encourage their development:
1. My baby is 10 months old and still doesn't crawl. All the other babies of this age that we know are mobile. How can I motivate him to move?
You may be surprised to hear this but not all babies crawl before they can walk. Remember that crawling is not a true milestone because not all children go through this stage. Babies who don't crawl are sometimes known as bottom shufflers. Most babies who start crawling, do so at between 7 and10 months.
2. Is allowing my baby to suck a dummy or a pacifier better than letting her suck her thumb?
According to some experts, there are dummies that are made to be orthodontically correct and are preferred by most dentists. Thumbs or fingers are not orthodontically correct.
Using thumbs or fingers can also place quite a bit of pressure against the palate and front teeth. This pressure is more likely to cause development of a high palate, an open bite (a vertical gap between the upper and lower front teeth), and/or an overbite (a horizontal gap between the upper and lower front teeth).
But there are others who dislike using dummies because they are difficult to get rid of. Also, there is the difficulty of keeping a dummy clean after it drops out of the pram, or other places. You may find that putting a pacifier into a baby's mouth may be used as a "crutch" for some parents instead of finding out what is wrong with a fussy baby, they use a dummy to shut him up.
3. I meet with a "mother's group" quite regularly, and compare notes each time we meet. There are a few "milestones" which other babies always seem to reach earlier than mine. Is there something wrong with my baby?
One important thing to remember when you are a new parent is not to become obsessed with comparisons. There will always be babies who seem smarter, more agile or more intelligent than yours. What you ought to do is to visit your doctor regularly, be on the lookout for developmental targets but don't worry overly if your child does not "roll over" at the stroke of midnight when he turns 5 months! Instead, continue to monitor your baby. If your doctor is not worried, neither should you.
Safe Home for Your Baby
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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