Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme (PioneerDAS)

This disability assistance scheme honours the pioneers of Singapore who have a disability. Discover PioneerDAS, part of the pioneer generation package.

Introduction to Pioneer Generation Disability Scheme (PioneerDAS)

The Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme is part of the Pioneer Generation Package, which honours the contributions of Singapore's Pioneers. Under this scheme, Pioneers who have disabilities can receive $100 a month as additional support for everyday expenses.

How to Qualify

To get the PioneerDAS payout:
You must be a Pioneer living in Singapore
You must have been born before 1950 and must have become a Singapore citizen before 1987

Activities of Daily Living

You must require support with at least three of six activities of daily living. These include:

Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme Application Form

For more information and to apply for this scheme, please visit the Agency for Integrated Care Singapore — Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme.

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