Be careful of falling into the trap of thinking that New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are harmless!
Psst. Yes, you! Over here - quickly now. Listen up. You wouldn’t trust a complete stranger. Why would you trust these new guys who’ve just walked into town?
Watch your step around them. They are part of a notorious international gang known as New Psychoactive Substances (NPS). But unlike all the other thugs, these guys fly below the radar - and that is what makes them truly dangerous. They speak eloquently, wear trendy suits and drive flashy cars. You might be forgiven for thinking they were completely legitimate.
But do not be fooled – they are criminals just like the rest of them. Cold-blooded swindlers and killers in tuxedos. I could spend all day telling you about them. These NPS are illegal substances that contain ingredients that mimic the effects of controlled drugs such as cocaine, ‘ecstasy’, methamphetamine, heroin or cannabis.
Some members of NPS that you can find lurking around your neighbourhood are these so-called ‘smoking blends’. They may call themselves ‘botanical materials’ or ‘herbs’ and may go by different names like synthetic weed, K2 or Spice. Some NPS are even sold as tablets that are passed off as MDMA or ‘ecstasy’. They are as addictive and lethal as actual drugs, so keep a safe distance from these guys.
Many folks fall into the trap of thinking that NPS are harmless and ‘fun’ alternatives to ‘real’ drugs - but this is entirely false! NPS will have unknown yet dangerous toxicological effects on you, simply because we do not know exactly what kind of ingredients were used to make them. If you hang out with NPS, you may experience paranoia, seizures and hallucinations - and there is nothing cool about that at all.
Do not be fooled!
Visit this link for more information on drug abuse:
If you notice a friend behaving strangely and the signs match those of drug addiction, immediate help must be rendered. You may contact the following helplines:
1. National Addictions Management Service (NAMS) All Addictions Helpline
Tel: 6732 6837 (Mon-Sun, inclusive of PH 8AM – 11PM)
2. Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)
Tel: 1800-221-4444* (24 hours daily)
3. Teen Challenge (Singapore)
Tel: 6793 7933 (Mon – Fri, 9AM – 6PM)
If you have been approached to try drugs or wish to report any information, please call the CNB hotline at 1800-325-6666*.
*Kindly note that airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines and calls are free of charge only if made from regular land lines.
This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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