Preventing falls at home starts with making the home a safer environment for fall prevention and other injuries.
Falls can lead to serious injuries especially for the elderly and children. Making the home a safer environment for family members is important. Understanding how to make your house safer and removing hidden dangers can help to prevent falls and injuries to your loved ones.
Related: For Every Home, a First-Aid Kit for Home Safety
According to an article in Reader’s Digest, it mentioned that at least one-third of the elderly who are 65 years old in Singapore had a fall. Falls can lead to serious injuries especially for the elderly and children. Some of the falls could result in hip fractures and head injuries, which may have a negative physical and psychological impact on the person.
Hence, making the home a safer environment for all is important. It can help to promote your quality of life and enable you to lead a more independent lifestyle. Here are a few simple safety tips to make your home a safer place to live in.
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Watch this short video to reduce your risk of falls and make your home a safer place for you and your family.
Note: The above recommendations are just guidelines. Your Occupational Therapist may change or add recommendations as appropriate.
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This article was last reviewed on 31 Aug 2021
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