By Health Promotion Board in collaboration with Dr. Angelia Chua, Consultant Family Physician, NHGP.

Are Over-the-Counter Meds Safe?

'Medicine for fever and aches such as paracetamol, acetaminophen and ibuprofen' can be given to children under two, but you should always check with your doctor first before feeding any medicine, especially if you are giving the medicine to your toddler for the first time.

Over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medicines are not recommended for children younger than two. They may have serious and potentially life-threatening side effects.

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What about Home Remedies?

Home remedies may help your child get over a cough or a cold, but check with your doctor first as some of the ingredients may not be suitable for children. Honey, for example, is a popular ingredient to soothe a sore throat, but make sure to discuss with the doctor first before administering it to your child.

Related: Dangers of Illegal Health Products Posing as Natural or Traditional Cures

Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

1. Stopping a dose of antibiotics

Complete any courses of antibiotics prescribed for your child. This makes sure that all the bacteria are eradicated, so do not stop taking it just because your condition has improved.

2. Wrong measurements

Children’s medicine is usually prescribed based on their weight, and not their age. Any small miscalculations can do more harm than good to your baby. 1 ml might seem an insignificant amount, but if you factor your child’s tiny proportions in, that’s no laughing matter. Make sure to be precise when giving medicines to your little one!

3. Wrong timing

If the instructions are to give the medicine every 6 hours, make sure you wait 6 hours, not 4 or 5. If you are unable to recall when you gave your child the last dose of his medicine, play it safe and wait it out. It might be a good idea to write it down or set an alarm to remind you when the next dose is due.

4. Mixing medications

You’ve been given the all-clear on a particular medication to treat a cold by your doctor. Let your doctor know if you already are giving any medicine to your kid, or if you plan to, as some medicines may have adverse effects when taken together. 

5. Mixing East and West

The same goes for traditional Chinese medicine. There may be adverse effects if you give your child both Chinese and Western medicine. This isn’t a case of “best of both worlds” for your baby.

Related: Do You Really Need Antibiotics?

Sometimes, Bed Rest and Fluids Work Best

Cough, cold and fever are common illnesses that every child will face growing up. What your little one needs most when feeling slightly under the weather is plenty of fluids and rest. Remember to keep your baby hydrated (e.g. with frequent small sips of water) and make sure that baby dearest gets all the rest he or she needs!

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