How does your baby develop in Week 13-28?
You may be able to tell the baby’s gender. His limbs are now fully developed and can move vigorously.
Your appetite would have started to return. Your weight begins to increase gradually. Your breasts will enlarge and your nipples will darken. Your womb would have risen out of your pelvis by now and can be felt if you touch your abdomen.
Hair on the head develops while fine hairs on the body (lanugo) appear.
Backaches, shortness of breath and palpitations may be experienced due to the enlarging womb. A screening scan should be performed at around 20 weeks to exclude any structural abnormalities. You may even begin to feel your baby’s movements – something known as “quickening”.
After 24 weeks, the baby is considered to be potentially viable. A baby delivered prematurely between 24 and 28 weeks has a fairly good chance of survival. By the end of the 28 weeks, the baby should weigh about 1.2kg.
Varicose veins may start to appear on your legs. You may have
trouble sleeping at night. Try to find a sleeping position that will make you feel comfortable.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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