Ways To Relax When You Are Pregnant

I​​t is normal to feel worried and anxious about childbirth especially of the pain and the delivery process. It is important to have a positive outlook, be relaxed and stay cheerful, so that you do not give yourself undue stress. 

Manage your stress and anxiety 

If you have any uncertainty or worries that keep bothering you, you can check with your doctor, attend antenatal classes or chat with other parents and new mums-to-be. These avenues of support will prepare you for the process. 

Some mothers have a fear of surgery. If you are worried that you might need a caesarean section (C-section), or fear that your baby might be in a breech position, talk to your doctor. If an emergency C-section is required, do not blame yourself – it is better for you and your baby to have a safe and smooth delivery than to have both of you stressed out in a long labour. 

Although recovery will take longer than via vaginal delivery, most mothers who have been through a C-section should have little difficulty breastfeeding and caring for their newborn

Forget online reports and old-wives tales 

Do not pay too much attention to sensationalised stories on the Internet or assume the worst after reading statistics on birth emergencies and stillborn cases. Some mothers worry that their babies may have some​ ​health emergencies, or that they have not taken good care of their babies during the pregnancy. If you are worried, attend all your antenatal checks and report unusual symptoms to your doctor. 

Staying mentally relaxed will be much more helpful during childbirth than fretting constantly. And if you have medical symptoms you are unsure of, do not make a self-diagnosis based on hearsay and online information. It is best to speak with your doctor. 

Be mindful of backaches or activities that may cause you to fall 

As you grow bigger and heavier, avoid over-exerting your body. Try not to stand for long hours, carry heavy objects or huge bags of groceries. If you have a toddler, try not to carry him. Shower him with attention in other ways. 

Carry on with daily chores but be mindful of activities that may cause you to slip and fall. Get someone to help out with housework such as mopping the floor or scrubbing the toilet. 

Find ways to relax 

For some, exercises​ such as walking or ​swimming are great ways to relax. You can also listen to soothing music, which can calm your baby down too. Read a book or magazine leisurely and enjoy the last days of your pregnancy. 

Do not bottle up your feelings. You need to talk to someone to get support. Set priorities so that you do not get overloaded with too many things at the last minute. 

Try different sleeping positions 

Aim for at least eight hours of sleep a day. However, some mums-to-be may suffer from insomnia as the baby keeps them awake with his movements. Take frequent short rests or naps to recharge. A warm beverage (avoid coffee and tea) and a hot bath will help you relax and sleep better. 

Experiment and find the best position that accommodates your growing belly. You should avoid lying flat on your back for long periods, unless your upper body is propped up by pillows. It can cause a decrease in blood circulation to your heart and your baby. Sleep on one side instead and most importantly, in a position which you are comfortable.​

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