​Our first adult tooth erupts at around the age of six and stays with us for as long as we can maintain it. As we age, the adult teeth are subjected to the following processes:

  • Wear and tear from chewing food and excessive grinding habits.
  • Erosion from acidic food and beverages and gastric reflux.
  • Abrasion from brushes and sometimes harsh chemicals in toothpaste formulas.

As a result, our teeth may look more yellow and may also feel sensitive to temperature changes in our mouth.

Dry Mouth and the Impact on Our Oral Health

​As our body ages and is subjected to medicine or other forms of healthcare, the mouth may also be affected. The most common side effect of radiation treatment for cancers in the head and neck and medications for high blood pressure is dry mouth.

Dry mouth can cause tooth decay.

Dry mouth is caused by the side effects of the medications and radiation treatment on our salivary glands, affecting the quantity and quality of our saliva. With less saliva and fewer of its protective effects, our teeth may be even more prone to wear and tear, erosion and abrasion. In addition, we may also be more prone to tooth decay, frequently near the gums of the teeth.

Dry mouth may also be responsible for bad breath as food may be stuck longer on the teeth and in the mouth.

Preventing Tooth Decay and Bad Breath Caused by Dry Mouth

Tooth decay and bad breath caused by dry mouth can be prevented by good oral hygiene. In addition, in cases where you are deemed as being at high risk of having tooth decay, your dentist can help by applying high concentrations of fluoride onto the vulnerable teeth surfaces. 

The fluoride ions will then strengthen the teeth surfaces and reduce the chance of tooth decay. However, it is important to upkeep the cleanliness of your teeth, as this protective layer will wear off with time.

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