When a parent has young onset dementia (YOD), the whole family, including the children, is affected. Here is some coping advice from experts.

Advice from Ms Linda Lim, Advanced Practice Nurse/Nurse Clinician, Department of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, and tips from NNI ’s book Dementia: The Tangled Brain include:

  • Be honest with children: Adults should not hide the fact that a parent has dementia from the children. If explaining the issue is difficult, get help from a professional or someone who understands dementia.

  • Involve them: Children can play a supportive role in caring for a parent with YOD. They can subtly be encouraged to play games, such as pick-up sticks and crossword puzzles, with the parent to cognitively stimulate him.

Read on for more tips on how to cope with young onset dementia.

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