Are You at Risk of Colorectal Cancer?

Seek medical assistance if you experience these colorectal cancer symptoms.

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not an inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Intestinal polyps are non-cancerous growths in the bowel wall that can turn into cancer.
  • The FIT test (Faecal Immunochemical Test) checks for blood in the stools.

Singaporeans and PRs aged over 50 years old can pick up a free kit from Guardian or Watson’s stores.

For more details, visit:

graph about age and risk factors of colon cancer

Under 50 Years Old

  • No family history of colorectal cancer
  • No inflammatory bowel disease
    • Low Risk
      Look before you flush to check for signs of colorectal cancer.
  • With a family history of colorectal cancer and/or Inflammatory bowel disease.
    • At-Risk
      Look before you flush to check for signs of colorectal cancer.
      Speak to your family doctor about when you should start screening

Under 50 Years Old

  • No family history of colorectal cancer
  • No inflammatory bowel disease
  • No intestinal polyps
    • At-Risk
      Look before you flush to check for signs of colorectal cancer.
      Do the FIT test every year to check for blood in stools.
  • With a family history of colorectal cancer and/or inflammatory bowel disease and/or intestinal polyps.
    • High Risk
      Look before you flush to check for signs of colorectal cancer.
      Do the FIT test every year to check for blood in stools.
      Ask your doctor for advice on further screening.

Eat Your Way to Better Bowel Health To Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Follow these healthy eating tips to prevent colon cancer. 

Follow these healthy eating tips to prevent colon cancer.

Get in Shape

  • Obesity increases the risk of colorectal cancer

Eat 2 Portions of Fruits + 2 Portions of Veggies

  • 3/4 mug / 100g cooked vegetables
  • 150g raw leafy vegetables
  • 1 small apple, orange or pear(130g)
  • 1 wedge of watermelon, papaya or pineapple(130g)

Go For Wholegrains and Beans

Limit Red Meat Consumption

  • Eat less than 500g of cooked red meat in a week.
  • That's less than 5 palm-sized portions of red meat weekly
  • Eating 100g of red meat every day increases your risk of colorectal cancer by 17%

Cut Down Processed Meats

  • Eating 50g of processed meat every day increases your risk of colorectal cancer by 18%

Limit Your Alcohol

Male: No more than 2 standard drinks a day
Female: No more than 1 standard drink a day

  • 330ml - 1 can regular beer
  • 175ml - 1/2 glass wine
  • 35ml - 1 nip spirits

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