National Steps Challenge™

Here’s everything you need to know about the programme.

Sleep Challenge Information


Sleep tracking is now available on the Healthy 365 app for anyone with a compatible sleep tracking device! While there are no rewards for sleep tracking currently, read on to find out how having adequate sleep benefits your health.

Click here for more information.


The Sleep Challenge rewards you for having sufficient sleep. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep daily and be rewarded with up to $30 in eVouchers!
Get at least 7 hours of sleep to earn 25 Healthpoints daily
Get at least 7 hours of sleep to earn 25 Healthpoints daily.
Earn extra Healthpoints during bonus weeks!
Earn extra Healthpoints during bonus weeks!
All Healthpoints earned during the Sleep Challenge will be credited at 12noon daily to participant’s e-wallet.


Registration period: 06 Sep 2021, 1200 hours to 31 Mar 2022, 2359 hours
Challenge period: 01 Nov 2021, 1200 hours to 01 Apr 2022, 2359 hours


  • Singaporeans or Permanent Residents of Singapore with a valid NRIC or foreigners with a valid FIN.
  • Aged 17 years or older (based on birth year) at the point of registration.
  • Exclusive to participants who have completed “Steps Rewards” in previous seasons.


Eligible participants are required to use the new HPB fitness tracker with sleep tracking functionality and Healthy 365 app.

The HPB fitness tracker will automatically track your sleep duration as long as it is turned on, has sufficient battery and worn correctly on the wrist when you go to sleep. There is no need to activate sleep tracking on your fitness tracker. Your sleep data can only be viewed through the Healthy 365 app when you sync your fitness tracker on the Healthy 365 app. You will not be able to view the sleep data through your fitness tracker.
How to view your sleep duration records on the Healthy 365 app
Feel better
Step 1
Launch the Healthy 365 app to sync your Season 6 HPB fitness tracker.
Feel better
Step 2
On the 'Activity Summary' card, tap on your sleep progress bar.
Feel better
Step 3
On the 'Activity History' page, you will be able to view your sleep duration records based on days or weeks. Each day’s sleep will be counted from 12 pm to 11.59 am the next day. Only sleep of at least 2 hours will be recorded and counted towards each day's total sleep duration.


Wear the HPB fitness tracker
Wear the HPB fitness tracker snugly on the wrist, at least 1 finger width away from the wrist bone.
Continue to wear the HPB fitness tracker
Continue to wear the HPB fitness tracker as you go about your daily activities before and after sleep. The fitness tracker will automatically track your sleep duration based on changes in your body movements and heart rate.
Make sure the sensor on the back of the HPB fitness tracker
Make sure the sensor on the back of the HPB fitness tracker is clean, dry and free from foreign objects.
When not wearing the fitness tracker
When not wearing the fitness tracker, place it with the screen facing down to avoid affecting the sensor on the back of the fitness tracker.

Compatible Fitness Trackers and Apps

Sync and track your sleep duration with the Healthy 365 app using these compatible fitness trackers or mobile apps:
  • HPB fitness trackers: Axtro Fit 3 and Tempo 4C
  • Fitbit mobile app with Fitbit devices that support sleep tracking
Please note that other fitness tracking devices and mobile apps will be made available at a later time.
Benefits of good sleep

Benefits of good sleep

Singaporeans are often not sleeping enough. The lack of sleep affects both our physical and mental wellbeing. Getting adequate and restful sleep helps you:
Feel better
Feel better
A good day starts with good sleep. You wake up feeling rested and in a better mood.
Learn better
Learn better
A good night’s sleep helps your brain consolidate memory and improve your learning abilities.
Recover and recharge better
Improve overall health
Good sleep helps to boost your immune system, while giving your body time to restore itself and replenish energy.
Find out the recommended sleep duration for your age group here.

Sleep tracking can help you measure your actual sleep duration and find out if you’re getting enough sleep daily. It also allows you to be more aware of your sleep habits.
Reference: National Sleep Foundation
How exercise helps you sleep better

How exercise helps you sleep better

Exercising improves sleep in the following ways:
Improve sleep quality
Doing moderate to vigorous physical activity helps you fall asleep more quickly and improve your sleep quality.
Body temperature
Exercise leads to changes in body temperature that facilitates a good night's sleep.
Bright sunlight
Being exposed to sunlight while exercising outdoors helps your body regulate its sleep-wake cycle.
Current science suggests that the best time to exercise for better sleep differs from individual to individual. Try out exercising at different times to determine an exercise schedule that helps you sleep better.
Reference: National Sleep Foundation


Fluff up your pillow and get ready for the sleep of your dreams. These simple hacks are designed to make it easier for you to get your 7 hours of sleep daily.
Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly
Aim to exercise regularly as it helps improve sleep.
Avoid using electronics 30 minutes before bedtime
Avoid electronics 30 mins
before bedtime
Using electronics before bedtime stimulates your mind, making it harder to sleep.
Relax before bedtime
Relax before bedtime
Recuperate from a hectic day by calming your senses. Read a book, listen to some soothing music or try doing some muscle relaxation exercises.
Stick to your bedtime routine
Stick to your bedtime routine
Prepare yourself for sleep by following a consistent routine.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night
Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night
Caffeine stimulates the brain and prevents you from falling asleep. Alcohol might make you feel sleepy but it actually reduces the quality of sleep you get.
Set the mood for sleep
Keep your sleep environment comfortable
Keep your room comfortable for sleep by dimming the lights, using blackout curtains or eyeshades. If it’s noisy, consider earplugs too.
Click here for more sleep tips.
Reference: National Sleep Foundation

Sleep Resources
Try our self-help tools and resources to help you get better sleep.
Spotify Playlist
Playlist of relaxing music for sleep
Playlist of relaxing music

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