Chorionic Villus Sampling

In a chorionic villus sampling procedure or a CVS test, placenta tissue is collected for testing certain conditions. Learn more about it, including the risks involved in chorionic villus sampling.

What Is Chorionic Villus Sampling?

Chorionic villus sampling, or a CVS test, is the procedure during which an obstetrician draws a small amount of the placenta tissue. This is done by inserting a biopsy needle through the mother's abdomen into the placenta. The obstetrician will use ultrasound to guide the needle during the procedure so as not to harm the unborn child. For this procedure, local anaesthesia will be given.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes only a few minutes.

The needle may cause some pain when it penetrates the uterus, but the pain should not last long and should not hurt any more than an injection at other part of the body.

After the tissue has been withdrawn, the removal of the needle should cause no further discomfort. The tissue is then sent to the laboratory for special tests.

For more information on chorionic villus sampling risks and whether you might require testing, please speak to your obstetrician.

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